

  • Kojiro Tanaka, Akito Mizuno, Toranosuke Kato, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa. “ProgrammableGrass: A Shape-Changing Artificial Grass Display Adopted for Dynamic and Interactive Display Features”. IEEE ACCESS. Volume 12. pp. 45654 -45673. 22, March, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3380911
  • Kojiro Tanaka, Yuichi Kato, Akito Mizuno, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa. “Dynamic grass color scale display technique based on grass length for green landscape-friendly animation display”. Scientific Reports 13, 16 pages, DOI:, 2023.
  • 藤澤 誠,佐々木 浩幸,三河 正彦, “燃焼過程を考慮した炎のリアルタイムシミュレーション”, 画像電子学会誌, Vol.49, No.4, pp.284-292, 2020.
  • 照井 章, 掘込 紀行, 川越 竜士, 大瀧 修人, 三河正彦, “数式処理と画像処理を用いたロボットアーム制御系の実装”, 日本数式処理学会誌, Vol.26, No.2, pp.34-37, 2020.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Jiayi Lyu, Makoto Fujisawa, Wasuke Hiiragi, Toyoyuki Ishibashi, “Previous Announcement Method Using 3D CG Face Interface for Mobile Robot”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.32, No.1, pp.97-112, 2020. 
  • 石橋 豊之, 柊 和佑, 三河 正彦, 安藤 友晴, “地域包括的支援サービスを志向した意思伝達のための語彙収集に関する研究”, デジタルアーカイブ学会誌, Vol.3, No.2, pp.203-206, 2019.
  • 藤澤 誠, 加藤 悠平, 三河 正彦, “粒子法と数理地形学に基づく海岸地形生成”, 画像電子学会誌, Vol.47, No.4, pp.363-371, 2018.
  • 出村 佑史, 藤澤 誠,三河 正彦, “側鎖結合を考慮した毛髪の塑性変形シミュレーション”, 画像電子学会誌, Vol.47, No.4, pp.447-453, 2018.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “Robust wireless communication for small exploration rovers equipped with multiple antennas by estimating attitudes of rovers in several experimental environments”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.29, No.5, pp.864-876, 2017.
  • Makoto Fujisawa, Takuya Nakada, Masahiko Mikawa, “Particle-based Shallow Water Simulation with Splashes and Breaking Waves”, Journal of Information Processing, Vol.25, pp.486-493, 2016.
  • 橋本 泰治, 三河 正彦, 田中 和世, “境界音場制御の原理を用いた全方位音響マルチビームフォーミングシステムの開発”, 日本音響学会誌, Vol.68, No.3, pp.113-120, 2012.
  • 吉川 雅博, 三田 友記, 三河 正彦, 田中 和世, “前腕切断者を対象とした筋電位信号に基づく手の動作判別法に関する基礎的研究”, The Japanese journal of ergonomics, Vol.46, No.3, pp.197-207, 2010.
  • 吉川 雅博, 三河 正彦, 田中 和世, “筋電位を利用したサポートベクターマシンによる手のリアルタイム動作判別(福祉工学)”, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, D, 情報・システム, Vol.92, No.1, pp.93-103, 2009.
  • Takeshi Tsujimura, Tatsuro Yano, Masahiko Mikawa, “Active Laser Radar System Deducing the Position and Orientation of Vehicles”, Journal of Cybernetics and Systems, Vol.2, No.2, pp.107-112, 2009.
  • 辻村 健, 吉田 耕一, 三河 正彦, “磁気を用いたトンネルロボットのナビゲーション”, Magnetics Japan, Vol.2, No.8, pp. 390-397, 2007.
  • 三河 正彦, “システム付加情報を利用した特徴ベースビジュアルサーボの特性向上と適用領域拡大”, 知能と情報: 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, Vol.16, No.5, pp.430, 2004.
  • 三河 正彦, 吉田 耕一, 丹野 瑞紀, 吉澤 信幸, 松本 三千人, “視覚に基づく遠隔作業支援システムの開発 — バンド取り付け作業への適用”, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.18, No.4, pp.529-534, 2000.
  • 三河 正彦, 吉田 耕一, 丹野 瑞紀, 松本 三千人, “障害物回避のための視覚に基づくマニピュレータ冗長制御と画像特徴推定”, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 534-539.
  • 三河 正彦, 吉田 耕一, 久保田 学, 森光 武則, “多心光ファイバ個別軸調心のためのビジュアルサーボ制御”, 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.15, No.5, pp.759765, 1997.

International Conferences

  • Izuho Takahashi, Zeyuan Chen, Masahiko Mikawa and Makoto Fujisawa, “Video Generation with Single Flame Image and Wind Direction Information”, SCIS&ISIS, 2024.
  • Keiichi Sato, Masahiko Mikawa and Makoto Fujisawa, “Movement Classification Method for Awake Bruxism Using sEMG Signals”, SCIS&ISIS, 2024.
  • Zeyuan Chen, Ziquan Wang, Qiang Gao, Masahiko Mikawa and Makoto Fujisawa, “Dense Reconstruction and Localization in Scenes with Glass Surfaces Based on ORB-SLAM2”, ICPR, 2024.
  • Akito Mizuno, Kojiro Tanaka, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, “3D Computer Graphics-Based Grass Pixel Simulation System for Color Scale Mapping Method”, 2023 International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments(ICAT-EGVE), 2023.
  • Zeyuan Chen, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, “CGSDNet: Cascade Network with ConvNeXt as Backbone for Glass Surface Detection”, 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA), 2023.
  • Yuichi Kato, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, “Faster Few-Shot Face Image Generation with Features of Specific Group Using Pivotal Tuning Inversion and PCA”, 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC), 2023.
  • Kojiro Tanaka, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, “Natural Landscape-Friendly Animation Display Technique Using Shape-Changing Artificial Grass System,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2021 (SMC’ 21), pp. 2541-2546, Online, October 17-20, 2021.
  • Yuichi Kato, Takuya Shuto, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, “Face Image Generation with Features of Specific Group from Small Dataset,” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2021 (SMC’ 21), pp. 1119-1124, Online, October 17 – 20, 2021.
  • Kojiro Tanaka, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, “Intermediation Family: Workspace for Sharing Spatial Design among Multiple Users”, In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Cyberworlds (Cyberworlds 2020), Online, September 29 – October 1, 2020.
  • Horigome N., Terui A., Mikawa M. (2020) A Design and an Implementation of an Inverse Kinematics Computation in Robotics Using Gröbner Bases. In: Bigatti A., Carette J., Davenport J., Joswig M., de Wolff T. (eds) Mathematical Software – ICMS 2020. ICMS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12097. Springer, Cham.
  • Kenta Suzuki, Makoto Fujisawa, Masahiko Mikawa, “Simulation Controlling Method for Generating Desired Water Caustics”, In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds (Cyberworlds 2019), Kyoto, Japan, October 2-4, 2019. 
  • Yuji Demura, Makoto Fujisawa, Masahiko Mikawa, “Particle-based Volumetric Hair Interaction with Turbulent Flow”, In Proceedings of the 6th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC 2019), 2019.
  • Thanandon Imaromkul, Makoto Fujisawa, Masahiko Mikawa, “Heart and Blood Flow Simulation Using Position Based Dynamics”, Proc. of the 6th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC 2019), 2019.
  • Haolin Chen, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, Wasuke Hiiragi, “Face Memorization System Using the Mathematical AIM Model for Mobile Robot”, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp.782-787, 2019.
  • Liayi Lyu, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, Wasuke Hiiragi, “Mobile Robot with Previous Announcement of Upcoming Operation Using Face Interface”, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp.782-787, 2019.
  • Hiroki Watanabe, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, Wasuke Hiiragi, “Simulation of Bubbles with Floating and Rupturing Effect for SPH”, Proceedings of SIGGRAPGH Asia 2018 Posters 10:1 – 10:2, 2018.
  • Morito Sato, Masahiko Mikawa, Makoto Fujisawa, Wasuke Hiiragi, “Social Norm Based Collision Avoidance in Human-Robot Coexistence Environment”, Proceedings of IECON 2018 – 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp.3801-3806, 2018.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “Asteroid Exploration Using Plural Small Rovers and Relative Distance Estimation on Undulating Terrain”, 12th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (I-SAIRAS2014), 2C01, 2014.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “Self-localization Using Plural Small Rovers for Asteroid Wide-area Exploration”, 2013 IEEE/RSF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS) pp.769-774, 2013.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Ouchi Yoshihisa, Kazuyo Tanaka “Virtual Camera View Composing Method Using Monocular Camera for Mobile Robot Teleoperation”, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp.2152-2157, 2011.
  • Yasuharu Hashimoto, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Development of Prototype Sound Direction Control System Using a Two-Dimensional Loundspeaker Array”, 19th European Signal Processing Conference, 2011.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Yuya Morimoto, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Guidance Method Using Laser Pointer and Gestures for Librarian Robot”, Proceedings of The 19th IEEE International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication: RO-MAN 2010, pp.1-6, 2010.
  • Yasuharu Hashimoto, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Sound propagation direction control using three configurations of two-dimensional loudspeaker arrays”, Proceedings of 18th European Signal Processing Conference: EUSIPCO 2010, pp.1958-1962, 2010.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “A Practicum Track Using Librarian Robot in Support Program for Contemporary Educational Needs”, The 14th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2010), 2010.
  • Yoshiki Nambu, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Flexible Voice Morphing based on Linear Combination of Multi-speakers’ VocalTrack Area Functions”, Proceedings of 18th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), pp.790-794, 2010.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “Interaction Design and Motion Content Creation for Librarian Robot: A Practicum Track in Support Program for Contemporary Educational Needs”, The 10th anniversary edition of Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Society, Sciences and Technology (TJASSST 10), pp.11-13, 2009.
  • Yoshiki Nambu, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Voice Morphing based on Interpolation of Vocal Tract Area Functions Using AR-HMM Analysis of Speech”, Proc. of InterSpeech 2009 1 pp.2639-2642, 2009.
  • Yasuharu Hashimoto, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “An improved method for flexibly creating a localized sound field reproduction zone”, Proc. of Inter-noise 2009, 2009.
  • Takeshi Tsujimura, Koichi Yoshida Kuniaki Tanaka, Kazunori Katayama, Yuji Azuma, Masahiko Mikawa, “High-Resolution Optical Measurement of Fiber Optics Transmission Line Length”, ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp.5576-5581, 2009.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Masahiro Yoshikawa, Takeshi Tsujimura, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Librarian Robot Controlled by Mathematical AIM Model”, ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009 1, pp.1200-1205, 2009.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “Sensory Information Processing System Equipped with Sleep Function Based on Mathematical AIM Model and its Application to Librarian Robot”, Kantaoui Forum 9 (TJASSST2008), Information & Communication Technologies, 6 pages, 2008.
  • Yasuharu Hashimoto, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “A Flexible Method for Sound Propagation Direction Control Based on the Boundary Surface Control Principle”, Proc. of Inter-noise 2008, Paper No.0239 (8 pages), 2008.
  • Takeshi Tsujimura, Koichi Yoshida, Tosho Kurashima, Masahiko Mikawa, ” Directly coupled optical transmission with single-mode fibre and free-space optics system”, The 14th MICROOPTICS CONFERENCE (MOC ’08), P-81, 2008.
  • Takeshi Tsujimura, Koichi Yoshida, Tosho Kurashima, Masahiko Mikawa, “Directly Counsel Optical Transmission with Single-Mode Fibre and Free-Space Optics System”, Proc. of 14th Microoptica Conference, pp286-287, 2008.
  • Takeshi Tsujimura, Koichi Yoshida, Tosho Kurashima, Masahiko Mikawa, “Trans-Window Free Space OpticsTransmission System”, SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp.79-82, 2008.
  • Masahiko Mikawa Masahiro Yoshikawa, Takeshi Tsujimura, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Intelligent Perceptual Information Parallel Processing System Controlled by Mathematical AIM Model”, IEEE-RAS 7th International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2007.
  • Masahiro Yoshikawa, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Hand Pose Estimation Using EMG Signals”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2007), pp.4830-4833, 2007.
  • Masahiro Yoshikawa, Masahiko Mikawa, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Real-Time Hand Motion Estimation Using EMG Signals with Support Vector Machines”, SCIE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.593-598, 2006.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Masahiro Yoshikawa, Takeshi Tsujimura, “Memory System Controlled by Mathematical AIM Model for Robot Vision Equipped with Sleep and Wake Functions”, SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, pp.2272-2277, 2006.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Takeshi Tsujimura, “Sleep and Wake Control System Based On Mathematical AIM Model”, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference 2005, pp.2550-2555, 2005.
  • Masahiro Yoshikawa, Takeshi Tsujimura, Mikawa Masahiko, Kazuyo Tanaka, “Human-machine Interface Using EMG Signals for Robot Hand Control”, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference 2005, pp.2853-2858, 2005.
  • Takeshi Tsujimura Masahiko Mikawa, Koichi Yoshida, “Transmission Laser Tracking System for Ubiquitous Free Space Optics”, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference 2005, pp.3908-3911, 2005.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “Sleep and Wake Functions Based On AIM Model for Multiple Vision System”, Proceedings of Joint 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 5th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, WE-5-3, 2004.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “Robot Vision System Based On Sleep and Wake Functions of Human Beings”, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference 2004, pp.727-732, 2004.l
  • Masahiko Mikawa, “A Programming Interface for IEEE 1394 Video Device in Robot Vision”, The Society of Instrument and Control engineers (SICE) Annual Conference 2003, pp.2132-2137, 2004.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Takeshi Tsujimura, Hiroshi Naruse, “Teleoperation and Communication Support System Using CTerm”, Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, pp.1072-1075, 2000.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Michiko Matsumoto, “Smooth and Easy Telecommunication Using Cterm”, Proceedings of 1999, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, V732-737, 1999.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Mizuki Tanno, Michiko Matsumoto, Junichi Masuda, “New Telecommunication using CTerm”, Video Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1999.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Koichi Yoshida, Mizuki Tanno, Michiko Matsumoto” Image Feature Estimation and Tracking Method for Known 3D Object”, Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.640-645, 1998.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Koichi Yoshida, Mizuki Tanno, Michito Matsumoto, “Vision-Based Redundancy Control of Robot Manipulators for Obstacle Avoidance”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, pp.1373-1378, 1997.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Koichi Yoshida, Manabu Kubota, Michito Matsumoto, “Visual Servoing Based on H ∞ Control Theory for Micro Mass Axis Alignment Device”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Micromechatronics for information and Precision Equipment, pp.250-255, 1997.
  • Masahiko Mikawa, Koichi Yoshida, Manabu Kubota, Takenori Morimitsu, “Visual Servoing for Micro Mass Axis Alignment Device”, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.1091-1096, 1996.
  • Yasuhiro Masutani, Masahiko Mikawa, Noriaki Maru, Fumio Miyazaki, “Visual Servoing for Non-holonomic Mobile Robots”, Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems pp.1133-1138, 1994.

Domestic Conferences (国内会議)

  • 水野 暁斗, 田中 康二郎, 加藤 優一, 加藤 虎之介, 三河 正彦, 藤澤 誠. 3DCGシミュレーションを用いた人工芝ピクセルの階調評価手法. 第27回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2023. 2 pages. インタラクティブ発表 (ポスター) 1P-62, 2023年3月8日 – 10日.
  • 田中 康二郎, 加藤 優一, 水野 暁斗, 加藤 虎之介, 三河 正彦, 藤澤 誠. AnimatedGreenery: 芝生濃淡制御システムを用いた形状変化人工芝ディスプレイ. 第27回 一般社団法人情報処理学会シンポジウム インタラクション2023. インタラクティブ発表 (デモ) 2B-43, 2023年3月8日 – 10日.
  • 田中康二郎,三河正彦,藤澤誠,”芝生アートにおける濃淡を考慮した映像表示技術”, 映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2021, 講演番号: 81, 2021. (口頭・優秀発表賞)
  • 田中康二郎,平野成伸,原島正豪,”スマートグラスを用いた美術館映像ガイドアプリケーション”, 第48回画像電子学会年次大会, MI02, 2020. (ポスター・最優秀賞)
  • 周東拓哉,三河正彦,藤澤誠,加藤優一,”深層生成モデルを用いた顔分布の獲得と顔サンプルの生成”, 第25回日本顔学会大会 (顔学フォーラム2020),O3-2,オンライン, 2020. (口頭発表)
  • 仲田拓也,藤澤誠,三河正彦,”SPH法とShallow Waterモデルによる高速な流体シミュレーション”, 情報処理学会研究報告 グラフィクスとCAD研究会報告 2015,(1), pp.1-7, 2015.
  • 吉川由李子,三河正彦,藤澤誠,田中和世,”顔研修の頻度を利用した対話対象決定システム(コミュニケーション・ロボット)”,ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013, 2P1 -P16(1) – 2P1-P16(4), 2013.
  • 中沢彰吾,三河正彦,田中和世,伊藤慶明,”隠れマルコフモデルによる自動和音認識を用いたカバー演奏ストリームからの楽曲同定手法の検討(持続可能な社会に貢献するパターン認識)”, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告.PRMU,パターン認識・メディア理解, 112(357), pp.1-6, 2012.
  • 橋本泰治,三河正彦,田中和世,”境界音場制御の原理に基づく二次元スピーカアレイによる指向性制御システムの試作”, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告.EA,応用音響, 110(331), pp.j37-42, 2010.
  • 吉川雅博,三河正彦,三田友記,田中和世,”1019 筋電義手のための筋電位信号に基づくての動作意図の推定(OS28-2: 最近の筋活動計測とその応用2)”, バイオエンジニアリング講演会公演論文集2009, (22) 183, 2010.
  • 吉川雅博,三河正彦,三田友記,田中和世,”2C1-4 筋電に基づく手の動作識別法の前腕切断者を対象とした有効性の検討(OS2-1: 筋電義手I, オーガナイズドセッション)”, 福祉工学シンポジウム公演論文集2009, pp.135-136, 2009.
  • 吉川雅博,児島宏明,三河正彦,田中和世,”MF143 表情筋および頸部の筋電位信号を利用した日本語母音の識別(MF14 情報・コミュニケーション支援,あたり前のことを知る)”, 福祉工学シンポジウム公演論文集2007, pp.80-83, 2007.
  • 橋本泰治,三河正彦,田中和世,”環境の変化に適応する音場の局所再生システムの検討(音響信号処理, 一般)”, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告.EA, 応用音響, 107(63), pp.33-38, 2007.
  • 橋本泰治,三河正彦,田中和世,”環境の変化に適応する音場の局所再生システムの検討(音響信号処理, 一般)”, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告.SIP, 信号処理: IEICE technical report, 107(65), pp.33-38, 2007.
  • 吉川雅博,児島宏明,三河正彦,田中和世,”サポートベクターマシンを用いた筋電位信号からの日本語母音の識別(一般)”, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告.SP, 音声, 106(332), pp.1-6, 2006.

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